Saturday, November 04, 2006

Repost-worthy: My thoughts on bisexuality

Someone from the #Tibok Message Board started a thread regarding bisexuality and I can't help but reply. Just thought the topic is worth sharing here in my blog as I find it interesting being a straight lesbian (what the f---?!). It's a fresh post and so far, I'm the only one who has replied as of press time so click here if you wish to know the latest on the said thread.

having a relationship with a bi-woman..
Isn’t it pretty stressful.. they have wider range of options and competetion is more tough. And I guess for some reasons (and I beg to disagree that sexual satisfaction is one of them!) they prefer boys over us. Sometimes it makes me feel like m just being used to fill up what men can’t satisfy and then leave me when they’re done… whew! Am I sailing alone here?... anyone?

My thoughts on bisexuality
I myself have always been fascinated with bisexual people -- not just bisexual women, but men as well... as I fondly call them, double-dippers and double-dippees... Hehehe! =p

You're right... sex may be a major factor for them to prefer one over the other. What fascinates me the most though is how they make that decision relationshipwise. I've always believed that bisexuality is loving someone for the soul... more than the labels, more than the equipment -- pretty much how we lesbians have the conservative butch-femme setup versus the femme-to-femme or even butch-to-butch arrangement. But nonetheless, I can't help but wonder how it all goes inside their heads. Of course, some may have to resort to bisexuality to fulfill certain familial obligations -- to keep an image of being normal and deliver a conventional life as an adult. On the flipside, I remember some people saying that bisexuality is a term confused people use for being unable to decide on what they really want. But then again, aren't all these just labels? Maybe in the end, we are indeed just human beings loving another human being -- regardless of the package or the equipment.

And then again, there is that angle of being on the other side of the relationship road. How it's like to be an option... I sometimes wonder how weird it must to be, to feel paranoid not knowing who the competition really is! Hahaha! Will you get jealous over the guy from work, or should you watch out for her closer-than-close girlfriend? Hmmmmm... ;)

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