Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Question, A Pet Peeve and Another Question

The question:
How come it's ok to say "Are you lesbian?" or "Are you a lesbian?" or "I am lesbian." or "I am a lesbian." but it's not grammatically correct to say "Are you a gay?" or "I am a gay."?

The pet peeve:
Hearing people say "I'll just get a coffee."

The other question:
How do you remind a close friend about the rules of past tense verbs? Did you got what I mean?

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Thoughts About Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert during his American Idol auditionI'm not an Adam Lambert fan.

I've been very vocal about this since the beginning of American Idol's 8th season. I admit to even mocking his shrieking banshee perfomances not once, nor twice throughout the competition. Though I am a Danny Gokey fan, I don't mind about other contestants. For me, it's all a matter of preference and Adam's style simply doesn't appeal to my taste. Nonetheless, I'm not blind, nor deaf. The man can undoubtedly sing his face off. He's a true performer and let's face it, his level of showmanship may well compete with that of mainstream artists, perhaps, he may even do better. His background in theatre obviously worked to his advantage, allowing him to make the most out of hair, make-up, costumes, lighting, sometimes even effects, and of course, the way he sets the mood of his performance through his larger-than-life gestures and poignant facial expressions.

American Idol is more than a singing competition. Through the years, the talent/reality show has evolved from a nationwide popularity contest to a worldwide phenomenon. Season after season, people all over the world have become more and more passionate about their Idols -- forming fan clubs, putting up fan sites, coining catchphrases to identify themselves or their Idol, probably even designing merchandise showing off who they proudly support. It's amazing, really, how even a country halfway across the globe can be so passionate about the show. With Season 8 probably having the most talented batch of contestants, fans were fiercer like never before, promoting their American Idol every chance they get, putting everything on hold to catch the earliest possible broadcast.

A blonde, slightly chubby Adam Lambert way back in High SchoolThis evening, out of curiosity, I started looking up photos and videos of Adam Lambert and I was just appalled. I cannot believe how people will go out of their way to pull someone down. Yes, one's sexual orientation may affect one's decision to support someone or not, but nooooo, these people are not content by simply "not liking" him or supporting everyone else except him. They've decided to convince others to the same by launching a smear campaign against him. I was surprised at the effort these people put into faking photos and uploading them to popular sites just to defame someone, as if they don't have anything better to do. Define "faking photos"? Well, let's just say that they label practically anyone with eyeliner and Adam's trademark hairstyle as Adam Lambert. There was one photo with the title "ADAM LAMBERT WAS GAY EVEN AS A YOUNG BOY! PROOF!" showing two black-haired youngsters dressed like him kissing. As it turns out, Adam's hair was blonde until High School. They've also referred to certain drag queens who are way too covered with make-up and elaborate costumes to be recognized as Adam Lambert. Apparently, anyone gay, wearing a costume, a wig and all covered with over the top make-up or at least an eyeliner is Adam Lambert. How pathetic is that?

First off, Adam Lambert being gay or not is irrelevant. American Idol is, after all, a SINGING competition. Second, Adam Lambert has a life prior to American Idol. Do these people honestly think his family and friends do not know how he looked like when he was in High School? Third, American Idol is a TV show! It's meant for entertainment. I wonder how much better the world is if all these energy being put into destroying another person is being put into good use. Lastly, does he look like he cares? He doesn't.

As for him losing the title of American Idol, no comment. Honestly, it doesn't matter! With lots of people rooting for him and yes, even taking the time to diss him, he obviously has a bright career ahead of him.

A Couple of Funny Vids from Cracked.Com

Thanks to my friend, Chris for introducing me to Cracked.Com! Crazy website! Anyway, enjoy watching these funny videos. =)

The Easy Way to Make Your Cat Fun Again

The Easy Way to Make Your Cat Fun Again -- powered by

Why Having Wolverine's Claws Would Suck

Why Having Wolverine's Claws Would Suck -- powered by

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random Blah of the Day: Rejection

Topic courtesy of Oscar dela Hopia


Several years ago, I wrote one of my most bitter 'Jelaineisms' that says:

"The problem with choices is when you're one of the options and you didn't get picked."

It's human nature. We like having options. We feel as if it's our God-given right to be able to have our say on things, or at least have something to choose from. We feel violated when we're "forced" into embracing something like it's being shoved down our throats. Well, that's fine. As I've said -- it's human nature. However, try being on the other side of the buffet table and it's an entirely different story.

Oh yeah... I'm talking about rejection. When it comes to being "one of the choices," different people react differently. Some get into combat mode -- all out and fierce, it has to be ME. Some, on the other hand, allow their insecurities to eat them alive and just throw in the towel before the fight even starts. Either way, one may assume that both reaction is because of fear of rejection. When we talk about rejection, we often think about how we handle it. However, I think our feelings towards rejection in general affects the way we handle various situations so we wouldn't have to bother actually facing it.

Looking back at my own experiences, my fear of rejection may have kept me from a lot of things. How can you blame me? I'm probably a poster child for "Most likely to be rejected." I'm a minority in a minority. I'm Filipino, I'm a woman, I'm lesbian, and I'm fat. Though I'm not that insecure to say that I'm ugly, let's face it, I'm no head-turner either. This might explain why, aside from Millie a.k.a. PiNkR0b0T, I have a rather short list of exes with a population of 1 and why I never did any sort of dating, flirting, courting, more so have any flings. In school, I chose not to audition for the theatre or the glee club because I was too shy. I felt that there are ten other students who are better than me. Even in my professional life now, I hate applying for promotions. I prefer waiting for "opportunities" to open up, like a transfer or a special assignment. If I ever apply, I need to be certain that my chances of getting it are high and that I'm as prepared as prepared can be. Otherwise, nah, I'm happy where I'm at. Though some people may disagree, I don't do well in interviews. I have issues about selling myself and all that stuff. But yeah, whatever I say, I think it's all because I'm scared of being rejected at the end of the day. LOL

Hmmm... Sometimes I wonder how my life would've been different if I didn't care about being rejected. Nonetheless, I have no regrets. I am what I am because of all the experiences I had and missed. In that respect, rejection probably even helped me to be more cautious, content and probably even encouraged me to learn to make up for what I lack. So I guess rejection isn't such a bad thing after all! LOL

Thursday, May 07, 2009

It ended before it even started

Ferry to CebuI can't say I hate the beach. The only time I went to the beach as a kid was when I was nine and my Mom took me to her hometown in La Union. That was a brief stay and I didn't really have time to enjoy it. The beach was practically in our backyard, it was probably just a 3-5min walk away. I can barely remember this, but my Mom does. Apparently, I was kinda scared every time the waves crash onto shore, washing away the sand. Looking back, I reckon that's the typical reaction of a city kid who grew up in an commercial aparment along a national highway.

Early this year, my partner and I went to Bohol with our best friends. After 28 years of harboring a lot of fears and inhibitions, I finally travelled by sea on a ferry, a "medium-sized" boat and by my standard (and size), a really tiny one. One of the highlights of our holiday was of course, the snorkeling. It was an amazing sight! It was obviously my first time, but I was a bit surprised at how comfortable I felt throughout the whole experience. Everyone was teasing me when I said I want to go to the beach again some time. My partner, who knew I was reluctant about the whole "sea thing" can't believe her ears. She was so stoked because she loves the beach and except for the Bohol holiday, we've never gone anywhere near any beach for the entire eight years we've been together.

A 'medium=sized' boat to take us to Balicasag Island for dolphin-watching and snorkeling
This weekend, we're all set to go to Batangas, again with our best friends. It's a much-needed break for all of us. I've been looking forward to this trip particularly because it's my first beach trip after developing a new-found love for the entire concept of beach bumming and all that. I can just imagine myself lying in the sand, my skin burning under the hot summer sun, the sea crashing onto shore, washing away the sand beneath my feet, but I wouldn't care and I wouldn't be afraid anymore. *Sigh* Now that's a holiday! Unfortunately, it remains to be a dream sequence in my mind because of typhoon, Emong. Currently, both Manila and Batangas are under storm signal number 1 and this news has made me really pissed and bitchy.

Can this get any tinier??? This tiny baby took us to the snorkeling site in Balicasag IslandConsidering how the Earth's seasons have gone out of whack (Duh? Three weeks of summer and it's typhoon season already???), I ain't expecting another beach holiday for summer next year (or prolly even the year after). Oh well, what a real shame, my love affair with the beach has ended before it even started. For now, I'm still hoping that Emong goes someplace else and for Manila and Batangas to see some summer sun this weekend. I mean, come on! Please?

Fireworks 2008

I just saw these photos in one of my backup discs and figured they're worth sharing. These were taken in SM Marikina last December with my Canon PowerShot A430. I was really surprised with the results as this was the first time that I used the 'Fireworks' scene function.

Fireworks make such amazing subjects as each shot is definitely different and they make great desktop wallpapers too! I'm so looking forward to this year's Christmas/New Year season so I can create another set of fireworks photos. =)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Lightbulb Moment: I have a new dream -- host TMR with C&D

Someday, I hope I’m good enough to join Chico and Delle in The Morning Rush.  I’d looooove to exchange witty, oftentimes, green comments with them.  I'm sure I'll have a blast!

Aaaahhhh... I wonder how that'll feel... One day, you're just listening to them over the radio then another day, you're sitting with them in the booth doing boardwork, laughing, reading requests, greeting the Rushers, tweeting, doing the Top 10, promoting, and well,  Haaaayyyy...

Times like these, I certainly regret not trying out for Radio One when I was in college.  I remember being jealous of my friend, Bailey for having the confidence and obviously what it takes to be with Radio One.  Oh well, in Tagalog, "Laging nasa huli ang pagsisisi," and true enough, I have lots of regrets when it comes to stuff I was too-shy-to-try.  But then again, a girl can dream!  Who knows, rrrriiiggghhhtt??? =p

Monday, May 04, 2009

I haven't Tweeted The Whole F*cking Day

Breakthrough! I haven't done any sort of tweeting whatsoever even until now. I don't know what happened, I mean, it did cross my mind a couple, well, several times today but I sort of just took it upon myself to resist the temptation. Next thing I know, I'm already here at home and I haven't even peeked at any version whatsoever of Twitter and here I am, blogging about it! I haven't even opened my TweetDeck, nor the Twitter site on my browser! This is indeed a miracle!

Well, I did have a lot on my plate today with reports and all, but I have to admit, I've been thinking about my cyberlifestyle lately and I think I need to pull back a little. I haven't been as productive as I normally am and I've noticed how much I constantly think about jumping online to do all sort of stuff (and I never seem to run out of things to do online!). Seriously, I think I need help.

The one sign, which I finally cannot ignore was last Friday, when the topic for Chico and Delle's Top Ten was 'Signs you're addicted to the internet.' It was funny at first, how they seemed to be talking about me and my life, but for some reason, it got me thinking, 'Hell! I think I am addicted!.' So, here I am, trying to get back that balance between having a normal and productive life both in cyberspace and in real life. Having said that, I'm trying to do a bit of cyber-rehab and detox and I'm glad I've reduced my Twitter-dependence today! Just reduced, ok? I'm still going to tweet at some point... well, right after I post this. LOL

I believe in signs and how the universe sometimes talk to me that way, but with the cosmos talking to me through Chico and Delle (who I both love dearly, by the way), I know I just have to listen! LOL *Wink*

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Justice for Tengteng, the hapless victim of the U.P. Cat Killer

You may have heard of the U.P. Cat Killer, Joseph Carlo Candare. I'm thinking that a lot of things may have already been said about him in the blogosphere. Now, it's time to talk about his victim, Tengteng.

An online petition is currently waiting to complete 1,000. As of writing this entry, this cause now has over 940 signatures. If you wish to support this, please sign here. Below is a copy of the entire petition letter for your review.

This goes beyond what happened to Tengteng. This is for every stray animal that was hurt by any so-called human, who should have known better considering the so-called higher intelligence that he or she was given.

Target: Faculty of the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
Sponsored by: Ted Teodoro.

There are over half a million stray animals in the Philippines, and this is the story of just one of them. Tengteng was a month-old stray kitten who lived precariously on the grounds of the University of the Philippines at Diliman. Those who knew her spoke of a kitten who benefited from random acts of kindness including handouts of food, water, even a new collar to make herself look pretty. She enjoyed fleeting but happy moments with students who gave her a scratch or two, a tummy rub, and pats on her head. The only known photographs of Tengten are the ones you see on this site. One can say that Tengteng was not as hard up as other strays in the Philippines, but she was without a regular source of food, a home and a family to protect her.

Tengteng, like all animals, was God's child. But her life came to an abrupt end when on April 13th a second year physics student named Joseph Carlo Candare took her life and bragged about it on the web. On his blog entry for that day, Mr. Candare mockingly called Tengteng's death " an accidental Crime." However, by other accounts, Tengteng's killing was a deliberate and blood-thirsty attack fueled by Mr. Candare's visceral and sadistic hatred of cats.

How much hate, you might ask?

Mr. Candare was described as taking a running start, leaping into the air, and then landing on Tengteng with the full force of his weight and momentum. Tengteng, who could not have weighed more than two pounds, was crushed under the grown man's weight. This was a conscious act, and Mr. Candare had ample opportunities to change his mind. Whatever life was left in Tengteng's body, the last few ounces of strength she had, enabled her to seek shelter in a hovel where she ultimately died moments later, alone. The imagery is horrifying, but we have been spared the deathly sounds that must have been blood-curdling. The agonizing scream of a kitten, the crushing of her bones, the taunting of the victor over the vanquished, it was a triumphant moment for one but unnecessarily tragic for another.

Why should we care?

Some have argued that we care too much about a kitten who did not belong to anyone. Some said tha there are many strays; why care about this one? All animals deserve respect. When we disrespect an animal, that says more about us than the animal. It is not how many animals are abused, but it is the knowledge that a most heinous crime was committed on a defenseless and sentient being that behooves us to act. Such acts, however singular, offends our sense of decency and righteousness. If there is one abused animal, then that is one too many. When we are confronted by cruelty, we must address it. Acts of abject cruelty towards animals, like Tengteng's killing, are simply unacceptable. It is up to the enlightened and the compassionate to stand up and speak in behalf of those on the receiving end of humankind's brute force.

Why take my word for it?

You do not have to. I am reproducing Mr. Candare's blog entry for your perusal. Here, you can read his own words, his self-confession as a serial killer of cats, his disingenuous pang of conscience, and his not-so-veiled threat to kill more in a month ( English translation in brackets) :

"An Accidental Crime. First day sa supercon. Lunch time came. On our way out of old NIP I saw the cat I almost killed last Tuesday. Now everyone knows I hate cats. It's an unexplainable feeling towards them. Like some internal hatred. Hindi ko talaga alam kung bakit pero anumang pagpipigil sa sarili ay hindi sapat upang mapangibabawan ang panggigil ko sa mga pusa. [ I don't really know why my self-control is not enough to overcome my hatred of cats ] I pulled it on its tail and threw it. Then like some pro wrestler I jumped on it and my feet landed on it's torso. Slam! Felt good! But the cat didn't die, well not yet. It ran for its life and just as I was about to catch up on it somebody yelled: " Pwede bang pabayaan mo yung pusa?!" [ Can you leave the cat alone? ]. It was instant and involuntary. I stopped on my tracks. Nobody ever stopped me when assaulting cats. Well I guess there's always a first time for everything. The cat got away. Or at least that's what i thought. So we went to lunch Mel, Jayson, Tracy and me. After lunch, balik na sa kung anumang naiwang gawain [ we went back to whatever unfinished work we had ]. Then Tracy and Mel told me " Hui Jc napatay mo yung pusa" [ Hey, JC, you killed that cat ]. Hours later, habang abala sa XRD [ while busy at XRD ], a guy came in. Tanong niya: " Sinong pumatay dun sa pusa?" [ He asked, who killed that cat? ] Bang! Dat was me boi. Guilty as charged. I didn't see it die pero sabi ni Myles [ but Myles said ] it coughed up blood or at least something like that daw. Didn't realize I gave it a fatal hit. This isn't the first time I've killed a cat but this time it's different. It didn't occur to me back then that the cat had a leash. So I think somebody owns it. Well it's very well loved in NIP from what I heard and I just ended it's life. So there you go I'm sorry. And I wont be striking another one for maybe about a month. It feels good when your beating it(a cat) up but you suddenly feel something strange when it turns off permanently. That's how I feel right now. And maybe for the next days. Dang, am I a cat serial killer? "

To Whom Should We Appeal?

We are appealing to the high officials of the University of the Philippines at Diliman (U.P.) namely Dr. Sergio Cao, Chancellor of UP, Dr. Arnel Salvador, Director of the National Institute of Physics at UP, and to Dr. Caesar Saloma, Dean of the College of Science UP.

These gentlemen, in their respective capacities, have the authority to set things right at the university. They can condemn, reject, and punish those who practice animal cruelty within the ranks of the university. They are gatekeepers to the long and illustrious history of the university. The conduct and safety of the student body are under their purview. We, therefore, are calling upon these gentlemen to apply the only just and appropriate punishment for Mr. Candare which is immediate expulsion from the university and to assist in seeking proper medical attention for Mr. Candare.

I am asking for one thousand signatures. If you agree with the spirit of this petition, please sign it and offer your opinion for the benefit of these learned gentlemen. I will post updates when new developments occur. I thank you for helping engender a more compassionate Filipino society.

Addenda: There were questions about criminal charges. The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is in the process of gathering affidavits from eye-witnesses. Yes, Mr. Candare violated the provisions of the Philippine Animal Welfare Act, Republic Act 8485. PAWS' volunteer lawyer will be mapping our their legal case against Mr. Candare.
05/02/09 I had Mr. Candare's name as John C. Candare in the initial post because he presented himself as such on another blog, but someone corrected me. His real name is Joseph Carlo Candare.

05/02/09 You may express your outrage but please no personal threats against Mr. Candare. I have to submit this petition to UP officials, and I want it fair and clean. Substantive comments will greatly help the impact of this petition. Thanks.