Sunday, June 27, 2004

Life begins at 21

Found this entry in my journal... it's something I wrote almost 3yrs ago... it was in August 4th 2001 to be exact. It's weird how we somehow grow sensitive to life changes when our birthday's just around the corner. Oh well, I guess that's exactly the reason why I suddenly remembered to post this in my blogger... I'd be 24 in less than two months...


I’ll be turning 21 in nine days. Scary… I wonder how it's like when you’re 21… By that time, you really are a grown-up and you can no longer apologize for your immaturity and tell people it’s borne out of your youth.

At 21, I suppose people don’t merely hope or wish but plan and try to make things happen. And when they plan, there’s always a Plan A and Plan B or sometimes even a Plan C. It’s because time won’t wait for them anymore to think and come up with a back-up plan. You have to be prepared for anything… ALWAYS.

At 21, I suppose people live on the fast lane – a kind of life wherein you should always be on your toes, otherwise the world would leave you and you’ll just find yourself lost and dumbfounded, not knowing what hit you.

At 21, I suppose you're not allowed to ask for whatever it is that you like. It's either you make it happen and get it yourself, or deal with the fact that you can't have everything you want.
When you fall in love at 21, I suppose there's no room for immaturity. You may not always be serious, but just the same, you should be grown-up enough to take all the consequences of your actions.

If you commit a mistake at 21, you don't just apologize -- you really make up for it. And you don't apologize because you think it's polite, but because you understand what you've said or done wrong and so you SINCERELY apologize.

Well, I suppose being 21 is weird altogether. Some people may argue that it is at 18 marks one's transition from youth to adulthood, or that 21 is still a young age. Well, maybe… but for me, I guess being 21 is that point in our lives wherein we really take life more seriously. It marks our entry to "the real word" -- and signifies the beginning of our "real life."

I'll be turning 21 in nine days. Scary… but just the same, I'm excited. I'm eager to embrace whatever life I'll have as 21-year-old. I am most importantly thankful to live to see that morning when I'll be turning 21. I may not exactly be ready, but just the same, I guess I can go through with it and then after a year, I'll just smile and look back as I remember how it was when I was 21…

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