Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Rest Day

Its normally a Saturday and a Sunday.  Normally, people go out to have fun as early as Friday night, knowing they could sleep in pretty much the whole day by Saturday.  Normally, people go out-of-town to their favorite retreat.   Some hang-out in coffee shops to read that book theyve been dying to get their hands on for the past weeks or to catch up with friends theyve never seen for months.  Then of course you have the regular moviegoers always updated on what is now showing, what the next attraction is, or even on those movies are coming soon.  Others stay at home to do their favorite things whether its watching reruns or having a DVD marathon, cooking a feast for the family or well, working out to relieve stress and stay fit.  Normally, this is how people spend their rest days.

Its been a while since I had a normal rest day.  The past couple weeks Ive spent catching up on my sleep only to find out theres no such thing.  Ive also been spending my weekends recuperating from a terrible cough-and-flu combo-bordering-to-flu, and yeah, running errands.  I wish this coming weekend would be a bit different.  By then, Im hoping that Im feeling better, that I can sleep late but not the whole day, and still be able to do the thing I enjoy  You know, to actually have a rest day



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