A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends said,
"Love is so overrated." I was like, blink blink...
"Uh, I don't know... You're talking to someone who's been happily committed -- not to mention in love -- for the past seven years. So I don't know, I don't think love is overrated."For the past couple of weeks, I have been fortunate enough to catch up with some really good, really old friends. One of them is currently having this weird, open relationship thing, a couple of them just ended their marriages, one of them had a change of heart about taking the plunge, and one of them, is as usual being pestered by "the wrong kind of men" -- the kind with excess baggage. Times like these, I can't help but wonder whatever happened to good ol' fashioned love?! I mean, I am thankful for being lucky in love but I think I'd be happier if my friends are able to find it as well. When I meet up with friends having all kinds of horror stories about their love life, it feels awkward, 'cause I kinda feel like I cannot share my happiness with them 'cause if I do that I'd only be rubbing it in to their faces that I'm happy, and they're just cursed with having bad taste in men and women.
Oh my gawd... and I really thought that we've reached that age when we'll just laugh about our exes, the way we used to handle break ups when we were younger, but no... turns out, we'll just be talking about a longer of list of exes, and more bizarre ways of handling the most melodramatic break ups! Weirdo!